Embedment Jointmeters

The embedment jointmeters are used to monitor opening and closing of joints in concrete dams and other mass-concrete structures. The jointmeter is installed in separate pours of adjacent blocks of the structure. A removable anchor is embedded in the first block. Then the jointmeter body is screwed into the anchor and embedded in the adjacent block. Later, when movement occurs at the joint, the plastic body breaks, allowing the transducer inside to make measurements.
Measurement principle vibrating wire displacement transducer with built-in thermistor
Range 25, 50, 100, 150mm
Accuracy Pol. MPE < ±0.50% FS (25mm)
< ±0.30% FS (50mm)
< ±0.30% FS (100mm)
< ±0.30% FS (150mm)
Accommodate shear ±15 mm (±0.6") shear movement at the joint
Output signal frequency (VW), resistance (thermistor)
Sensitivity 2250 - 3000 Hz
Typical frequency range -20°C +80°C
Material galvanized steel / PVC
Protection IP68 up to 1.0 MPa