08.53 Calcimeter

The calcimeter by Eijkelkamp is suitable for the simultaneous determination of the carbonate content in 5 samples. Where possible the vulnerable glass was replaced by synthetic materials. Because hydrochloric acid is used a stable and ergonomic design was chosen. The calcimeter is delivered complete with reaction vessels and test tubes (without reagents). Per reaction approximately one hour is required. Carbonates that are hard to dissolve, such as seashells, take more reaction time.
  • No oven required to dry the silica gel.
  • No other chemicals needed.
  • No long waiting periods.
  • No very accurate weighing equipment needed.
  • Less vulnerable glass parts.
  • It is easier to determine the content using the volumetric method then by weighing the gas.


Maximum number of samples  5
Measured parameters carbonate content
Measuring range  0 - > 200 g/kg
Reading accuracy  1 g/kg
Sample specification  disturbed
Package size  N/A
Weight  30 kg
Applications  Soil physical laboratory research